Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Planning Officer (Environmental Education) Job at Ipswich City Council

Ipswich contains one of the most diverse ranges of natural vegetation types in south-east Queensland, supporting over 2,000 species of native flora and fauna. Over forty species are listed as threatened, including the City's floral and faunal emblems; Eucalyptus curtisii and Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby. Ipswich City Council currently manages over 5,000 hectares of natural bushland for conservation and nature-based recreation purposes. A large extent of this area protects endangered regional ecosystems such as brigalow scrub, semi-evergreen vine thicket, Melaleuca irbyana open forest and eucalypt woodlands.

The acquisition, protection, management and community awareness of natural areas and habitats are delivered through the Ipswich Enviroplan program. The aim of the Enviroplan is to ‘promote important environmental issues and provide innovative and effective programs for the sage keeping and management of this City's natural resources'.

The Environment Education and Awareness Program is an integral part of the Ipswich Enviroplan, increasing community awareness of our natural assets and supporting landholders with conservation outcomes on private land. The Environment Education and Awareness Program seeks to provide valuable information for Ipswich residents and visitors, educations programs for school students and opportunities for experiencing our natural environment.

The Planning Officer (Environmental Education) (Ref WP/3022) position sits within the Natural Environment Programs team of the Works Parks and Recreation Department. The Program Officer (Environmental Education) plays a key role in supporting the Coordinator (Natural Environment Programs) in the development and delivery of Council's environment education and awareness programs. Key responsibilities include developing an innovative program to raise community awareness and engagement of Ipswich's natural assets, engender behaviour change for sustainable management solutions and encourage participation in environmental activities.

We are seeking a highly motivated and passionate person to fulfil the role of Program Officer (Environmental Education). The successful applicant will possess a degree in environmental management, environmental education, teaching or have equivalent experience. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential. It is highly desirable that the applicant will have experience in working volunteers, community groups, students and key stakeholders to support Council in the achievement of sustainable environmental outcomes and behaviour change.

If you thrive on challenges, work well in a team and are keen to build capacity and environmental awareness within the community, then this is the opportunity for you! In return, you will work within a team that is committed fostering sustainable environmental management within Council's natural reserves and through private landholder support programs.

This is a full-time appointment at classification level 4-6 dependent on skills and experience, with a salary range of $60,120 to $75,722 per annum, plus employer superannuation of up to 12%.

Applications to be submitted by close of business on Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Download Position Description and Guide

Applications should consist of:
  • A covering letter (quoting the reference number of the position above) of no more than 2 pages outlining the key reasons for your interest in the role, your contact address and telephone number; and
  • A copy of your resume, that includes details of education and qualifications and your employment history in chronological order starting with current position and the names and contact details of two referees.
Return your application to the Human Resource Manager, Ipswich City Council, PO Box 191, Ipswich or by our email address hr@ipswich.qld.gov.au

Ipswich City Council is an equal employment opportunity employer.

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